Investing in Indigenous Communities – An Interview with the Hon. Lisa Raitt

Articles & Reports

Empowerment, Partnership, and Progress: CIBC’s Role in Investing in Indigenous Communities

Investment maybe a byword for progress and prosperity, but in the context of Indigenous investment, it transcends mere financial investment in projects. According to the Government of Canada, a fair Canada involves progressing in the journey of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Canada should bring fair and just opportunities for all people, including Indigenous communities. Where does this roadmap lead Indigenous people to?  

A recent interview with the Hon. Lisa Raitt, a former federal cabinet minister and Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition, and the Vice Chair and Managing Director of Global Investment Banking at CIBC Capital Markets, provides a strategic framework of what financial institutions and Indigenous communities aim to achieve in terms establishing long-term investment ensuring Indigenous peoples are involved in negotiations and project planning.  

Together with Robert Brant, CIIS Co-Chair and Managing Partner of McCarthy Tétrault London, this in-depth interview with the Hon. Lisa Raitt tackled all aspects of Indigenous investments including financing options, the importance of recognising the law governing Indigenous rights, and how Indigenous peoples will impact future investment in Canada. 

Read the detailed interview here or watch the video below to learn more. 

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