The Sustainability Agenda Episode 82
18 min

The case for thematic investing in natural capital

Eric Cooperström of Manulife Investment Management joins Ryan Fan, Managing Director and Vice Chair, Global Markets, CIBC Capital Markets to discuss investment solutions with a natural capital thematic, including an investment strategy focused on forests for their carbon credit value, and how timberland assets are helping to diversify risks and generate new revenue streams.

Ryan FanEric Cooperström
Featured in this episode:

Ryan Fan, Eric Cooperström

The Sustainability Agenda Episode 81
20 min

Moving the needle on mining’s social license to operate

Nathan Monash and Hugo Bonilla of Lundin Mining join Tarah Masniuk, Executive Director, Sustainable Finance, Global Corporate Banking, CIBC Capital Markets, to discuss environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges in the mining industry, what Lundin Mining is doing to meet its sustainability ambitions, and how sustainable finance is helping them to move the needle.

Tarah MasniukNathan MonashHugo Bonilla
Featured in this episode:

Tarah Masniuk, Nathan Monash, Hugo Bonilla

The Sustainability Agenda Episode 79
22 min

The progress of electrification policy in Canada

Philippe Dunsky of Dunsky Energy and Climate Advisors joins Tom Heintzman, Managing Director & Vice Chair, Energy Transition and Sustainability, to discuss the progress of electrification policy in Canada, the work of the Canada Electricity Advisory Council, and its recommendations to federal government that could accelerate investment in sustainable electricity systems.

Tom HeintzmanPhilippe Dunsky
Featured in this episode:

Tom Heintzman, Philippe Dunsky

The Sustainability Agenda Episode 77
20 min

Mining the heat: How closed loop geothermal is powering the next generation of clean energy

John Redfern of Eavor Technologies joins Tom Heintzman, Managing Director & Vice Chair, Energy Transition and Sustainability, to discuss how a geothermal technology-based energy company is creating a scalable form of clean, baseload, or dispatchable energy for heating, cooling and electrical power, and the challenges and opportunities for the geothermal industry.

Tom HeintzmanJohn Redfern
Featured in this episode:

Tom Heintzman, John Redfern