A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Bank of Canada

Eyes on the Economy

CIBC Chief Economist Avery Shenfeld chats with his colleague Ali Jaffery, Senior Economist about how to read the tea leaves in this easing cycle. Those tea leaves point to the Bank of Canada taking another big step in December, en route to a bit below neutral next year.

CIBC Chief Economist Avery Shenfeld chats with his colleague Ali Jaffery, Senior Economist about how to read the tea leaves in this easing cycle. Those tea leaves point to the Bank of Canada taking another big step in December, en route to a bit below neutral next year.

For more information, check out the In Focus report.

Featured in this episode

Ali Jaffery
Ali Jaffery
CIBC Capital Markets

Executive Director, Senior Economist

CIBC Capital Markets

In this series: Eyes on the Economy

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